Our Story

Solutions for Home Service Companies and Local Businesses

Specialists in Digital Marketing

MayByrd Media's story began in 2016 when one of its founders began providing digital marketing services for local businesses that wanted the highest quality marketing services but could not afford "Madison Avenue prices."

The first website by MayByrd Media was built for a church on a "drag and drop" website builder called Weebly. In addition to the church, we made Weebly sites for politicians, churches, a dog training company, a personal brand, and other businesses.

With Weebly, we were able to create some beautiful websites with speed. However, it was very limited in its features and integrations with other marketing tools. So we switched to WordPress. WordPress is an open-source website creation platform and content management system (CMS). It is the most powerful blogging and website builder in the world today.

Once we became proficient in creating WordPress sites, we began adding other services, such as Google Business Page (now called Google Business Profiles), social media marketing, SEO (search engine optimization) services, copywriting, and more.

Today our primary business focus and priority is serving local businesses and home service professionals (electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, etc.) who are part of the foundation of local communities. These professionals dedicated themselves to our community's well-being, and we dedicate ourselves to them.

What is your story? That is our story. We have the marketing expertise to help you attract "the raving fans" who will help your business grow.





Since the beginning, we have been committed to helping local businesses increase their revenue by showing them how to capture the attention of potential customers, get more sales and demonstrate customer service that builds loyalty. Home service professionals and local-based businesses are the heart and foundation of local communities.
Director, Marketing Initiatives